Every domain can be imagined as a mythical world containing the facts, examples and applications. Data Sapien intends to bring such worlds to life through visual imagery and textual description entangled with pop culture references. This blog shall try to enhance the understanding of the rationale behind the conception of a theory, by making it relatable to something ubiquitous. Data Sapien is the unison of Knowledge, Graphic design and Screenwriting.

Data Sapien logo Design inspired from Christopher Nolan’s Tenet and autoencoder butterfly
You might wonder “how?”. Well, if you were to read “RNNs are neural networks in a loop”, you would have to imagine how the units are looped yourself. To augment your imagination in such situations, the blog posts will contain a set of images demonstrating how they are looped exactly. The imagery is created using Graphic design and narrative is built with Screenwriting techniques.

Data Sapien will have posts on advanced topics and practitioner problems studied and solved by Data Science professionals. The other category of posts, called as LORGs, describe exemplary innovations of some of the largest organizations in the world. Explore away in a measured way!

About the founder

Kiran S. Sripada works as a Data Scientist at Walmart Labs and is a graduate from Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He is curious to fathom the depths of conception of any theory he learns, with a belief that doing so will enhance his ability to apply in the right situations. For many years now, he has been experimenting to simplify technical presentations using analogies and visual imagery.

If you are curious to learn a hack to enhance your productivity, checkout his book:
Running Your First Business